Servo Drives – Panel Mount

DriveXenus CompactXenusXenus PLUS
Data SheetXenus CompactXenusXenus Plus
Motor Model TypeBrushless/Brush Brushless/Brush Brushless/Brush
Operating Voltage 100-240VAC 100-240VAC 100-240VAC
Safe Torque Off **
Continuous Current 3-7.5A 1-20A 1-20A
Feedback * E,R,S,A E,R,S,A E,R,S,A
EnDat, BiSS, SSI ***
CANopen ***
EtherCAT ***
Multi Axis *
+/- 10V Command***
*E=Incremental Encoder, R=Resolver, S=Analog Encoder, A=Absolute Encoder, V=Back-EMF
Extensive range of Brushless Servo Drives for digital control of brushless motors or brush motors in an off-line powered package that can operate from single or three-phase mains. Brushless servo drives operate as a Motion Control Device under the DSP-402 protocol of the CANopen DS-301 V4.01 (EN 50325-4) application layer. DSP-402 modes supported include: Profile Position, Profile Velocity, Profile Torque, Interpolated Position (PVT), and Homing. Profile Position mode does a complete motion index on command with S-curve acceleration & deceleration, top speed, and distance programmable.
DriveAccelnet MicroAccelnetAccelnet PLUS
Data SheetAccelnet Micro PanelAccelnet PanelAccelnet Plus
Motor Model TypeBrushless/BrushBrushless/BrushBrushless/Brush
Operating Voltage20-90VDC20-180VDC14-90VDC
Safe Torque Off*
Continuous Current1-6A3-15A3-15A
EnDat, BiSS, SSI*
Multi Axis*
+/- 10V command***
*E=Incremental Encoder, R=Resolver, S=Analog Encoder, A=Absolute Encoder, V=Back-EMF
Extensive range of Permanent Magnet DC motor servo amplifiers put 100% digital control of DC brush motors in a panel-mounting package with power options to ±30A peak from +20 Vdc to +180 Vdc DC power supplies. Torque mode operation works with popular position-loop controllers that use PID filters to close a position-loop. Sensorless velocity control works with position loop controllers that only output a position-error signal such as PLC’s.


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